Register Your Interest

  • With the exception of residents who reside in the postcode areas defined on the Share Offer page the LEG Power share offer is now closed.  Should you wish to join our mailing list to receive information on any future offers please complete the form below.
  • Privacy

    By submitting your personal information, you are requesting to receive information from LEG Power Lochaber. Your personal information will be processed securely, in line with data protection laws. For administration purposes your contact details will be shared with Energy4All Limited solely in connection with LEG Power Lochaber Limited. They will not share your data with any other third party nor will you receive marketing from them unless you opt in to do so in the section below.
  • Other Community Energy Projects

    Energy4All, our partner on this project, is uniquely owned by the community energy societies it assists, including LEG Power Lochaber. To receive information from Energy4All about other community energy projects and Energy4All’s Newsletter, please check the box below.
  • By checking this box you consent to your contact details being shared with Energy4All in order to receive information from them about its work, their investment opportunities, share offers, and the Energy4All Newsletter. You can stop receiving marketing from Energy4All at any time by emailing Your personal information will be processed securely, strictly in line with data protection laws and in line with Energy4All’s Privacy Notice which can be read here. Energy4all Privacy Notice